
Friday, June 22

half year.,!

x sngke kn da ptengahan taon..mcm bru smalm je bru nk knl2 nan subjek form 4 ni..huhu...
n x sngke gak da 4 years aq dok kt skul tu n d one thing that i can't believe is,
da 4 years gak aq dok ostel.,!woohoo...!
even dlu cam nk x nak je dok kt 'heaven' tuh.,!kuikuikui..><
msih tbayg when d 1st time jejk kaki kt ostel.,,mcm2 perasaan dtg..
dri tkod,sedey.,,n mcm2 lg la..;p
tpi.,normal la kn..huhu..budax x mtg kgi mse tuh..haha..okey stop.,!
next year SPM .,!oouuhh..am i dreaming.,??
try slap me..ouch,!thats hurt la.,!haha.,,mmg x mimpi la.,,
anom.,its reality la..!!
tgok la ni.,,org rjin study.,,ahahaha..
nk tau study ape.,?
add math u.,,huhu><eksyen je...

okep la.,,mate pon da bg isyarat ni soh tutup.,,huhu..bantal n tilam pon da memanggil dri tdi..kuikuikui..nitez all...
have a cwet drem.,,<3-_-